Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Walking with no (mommy) hands!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
It's been a while!
In grownup news... Andy's wrapping up his current project and will be taking a long break for the holidays - yay! I've managed to get myself back into decent shape and ran half of the White Rock Marathon with my mom friend Cynthia last weekend. We ran a cool 2:18 and lived to enjoy a hearty IHOP meal with they guys and the babies! I've also just wrapped up my first session of baby music classes. It was really neat to get to put my experience to use at a new level. Thank you to the moms who participated!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
9 months
A visit from Grandpop (my dad) marked the end of a busy couple of weeks at the LeCuyers. The painters have almost finished a complete repaint of the exterior of our house, and some new trim work makes it look great! Hannah is an accomplished crawler and puller-upper, and cut her first top tooth yesterday - with no noticeable crankiness! I'm expecting a delayed reaction any minute now. (Or maybe this will make up for 3 colds in a month.)
It's amazing to me that I've now known Hannah for as long as took to wait to meet her. This has been a wonderful age. It's such a joy to watch her discover her world and grow into her own little person. I've been wondering lately how I can possibly stand to see her grow up! I can't imagine not getting to hold her cuddly baby self and not being the recipient of so many gorgeous gummy smiles.
Fun Hannah things...
She laughs often, even snorting like her mama sometimes. She protests little at meals (though she mysteriously dislikes sweet potatoes right now, which is discouraging when you see how much orange there is in our freezer!), and has for the first time ever not been draining every ounce of every bottle. She pulls up on everything and is usually quite content to play at the coffee table or playing kissy-face with her reflection in the oven door. Speaking of... slobbery baby kisses have become a regular occurrence around here. If you're lucky, she'll stick out her tongue, yell, or chew a bit while she kisses you!
Favorite toy - the coffee table and whatever's on it.
So much to discover in her world!
Monday, October 29, 2007
The apple of her grammy's eye
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sleep sitting
I edited out the part where I layed her down and she screamed, very much not going back to sleep. Well, they don't say "Let sleeping dogs sit". Mom mistake number 5,493,987.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
She crawls!
Note the addition of the gate, which also covers the fire place, which she discovered shortly after the stereo find!
Hannah's also getting better about eating food. Her favorites are fruits, yogurt, and cereal-like puffs, but I'm managing to convince her that she likes some veggies, too. My parents have got to be enjoying this. I was so sure that I could keep Hannah from being a picky eater like her mama. Hah!
Moraine Park in Rocky Mountain National Park. Fabulous!
We spent last weekend in Denver visiting Andy's sister (and Hannah's middle name-sake) Claire. We enjoyed a little hike in the Rockies and Hannah got to meet her Great-Grandma LeCuyer. It was really nice to be in the mountains and have some family time. Plus Hannah really likes her Aunt Claire, and we always appreciate and extra set of hands to help with the baby wrangling!
Just for fun. In case you can't figure out where all of her limbs are,
her left leg is under her and her right leg is completely out of the crib.
She barely stirred when I pulled her leg out. Oh, to sleep that soundly!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Food, fabulous, food!
Favorite way to be - standing up! She's getting quite adept at manipulating our hands to a position that allows her to pull up. Key word, manipulate!
Daddy's little girl.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A tale of 2 babies
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Water baby
I haven't managed to catch it on film yet, but our little angel is showing herself to be quite the drama queen. She giggles more often now, but she's also prone to sudden crying episodes over things like mom blowing her nose or someone laughing when she's tired (or apparently when she doesn't think it's funny anymore.) I think she's hurt some folks' feelings! The problem is, she starts with the most pitiful pout and quickly disintegrates into full sobs, which I usually find to be hilarious. I'm no help at all.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Then and now
Jump to 7 months - this is one of her most common sleeping positions.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Livin' la vida LeCuyer
New found joy - the neighborhood park swings!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Not so glorious food
Naps are a beautiful thing.