Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mixed emotions

What's this talk I hear about moving?

You mean I have to leave my friends?

Mountains and nature? Bring it on!

It's official - we're moving to Boulder! Our house is under contract, we've found a place to live, and Andy's mom has a ticket to fly here the last week of February to help us with Hannah while we sort and pack and such. We'll be renting a place in the nearby town of Louisville to give the whole suburbia thing a test run. (Surely you've heard that Boulder is a slightly pricey place to buy a house...) Andy got a job with a small consulting firm called Redstone Strategy that works with foundations doing conservation and economic development. Way cool.

This is something that Andy and I have dreamt of for years, so we're really excited. I'm also quite sad to be leaving Dallas and the life that we've built here. The cool thing is, everyone wants to come visit us in Boulder! I'll take reservations by phone or email...