I'm sorry that I didn't get a photo of this - really sorry. My mom's here right now and she made a cake on Saturday to celebrate my birthday early. It was supposed to be a major snow day, so were all prepared to spend the day inside baking and occupying Hannah with empty boxes from the garage. It turned out to be a bust of a snow storm, and skiing conditions at Copper, where we had originally planned on spending the day, were "epic." Sigh...
But I digress - back to the cake. Hannah was helping/hindering mom's efforts, but had at this point settled into a kitchen table chair and was quietly eating cake crumbs as the two newly-baked cake layers sat cooling. This is a very yummy chocolate cake (thanks again for the recipe, Nikki!) and the crumbs are a treat. For a while, at least.
As we were getting ready to walk out the door with our realtor to go see houses, Hannah says "little bit." Kind of an odd comment, so we of course asked her to repeat/explain/elaborate/whatever a two year old can do. So she pointed to the cake and said "little bit" - as in the little bit she had broken off the edge to get a bigger sample. I'm not sure what's funnier - that she got up the nerve to take a piece, that she waited that long before doing it, or that she felt the need to confess after doing it! Honestly, I think she was pretty proud of herself and wanted to show off her quick thinking on how to score more cake without getting in huge trouble. Just a little bit.