Friday, October 30, 2009

Photo stories

Toast. Food of the gods.

Braids like Mama's for hiking.

Hannah's awesome spider costume. My mom was nice enough to offer to make one because she knew I wouldn't have time this year. Hannah loves it!

To top last post's snow report - we got 22 inches this past Wednesday and Thursday. Hannah and I had a fun snow day Thursday snowshoeing with friends, followed by a huge lunch to make up for 3 1/2 miles in the snow with a 32lb kid on my back!

Sledding this afternoon. After yesterday's attempt when we got all suited up and Hannah decided she doesn't like sledding, she decided to try again today. Of course we got to the neighborhood hill and she tried to bail again. I pretty much physically forced her into the sled with me and she was hooked from the first run - she even giggled through our first wipe out! Daddy joined us and we kept going until the sun went down.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Not only did it snow on the night of October 9th, but it didn't completely melt for over two days. In Texas, I was still running in just shorts and a sports bra in October! I did run that Sunday, but it was a very short and very cold 29 degree run.
Here are some fun photos of Hannah modeling two versions of a firefighter man helmet this weekend. Check out the undies! She's not accident-proof yet, but she's doing pretty well. She's getting little-kid legs - almost no thigh roll left!

She's pretty mad at me for this one - or maybe at my students. This is my "choir ball" and it recently returned to my classroom. Just one more instance of having to share Mama, and Mama's toys, with the school kids.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"I'm a big girl now"

Recent afternoon hike at Beaver Meadows in Rocky Mountain. For those of you who are still thinking of visiting - we do this stuff every weekend!!

How many posts begin with thoughts about how big my baby is getting? She's wearing undies!!! Her wonderful Thursday/Friday day care got her to stay dry and use the potty for all that's intended for last week, so we started underwear Friday afternoon. Of course she's had an accident every day, but she's actually doing pretty well. And every time she goes to the bathroom she says "I wear undies now. I'm a big girl." And it's so cute and so unreal that she really is a big girl now.
Besides the potty thing, Hannah's latest obsession is singing, which of course just thrills me! She's learned a lot of new songs at school, and I'm always amazed when she starts singing something that I haven't sung with her in a year, if ever. Her preschool has a music teacher come all three days she's there, which is pretty cool. She also loves to improvise and make up new words or just plain new songs - love it!!
In other news - teaching is going more smoothly than I thought, and I'm no longer so tired every day that I panic about surviving the rest of the school year. Though I am awfully tired every day and I have been staying up way too late.