We're finally homeowners again! We've been in the process since the fall, waiting for our brand new house to be built. The plans were already permitted, but we got to choose the finish out - cabinets, counters, floors, and a couple of extra little windows. The neighborhood is great. Full of families with little kids, walkable to a decent grocery store, bike able/runnable to downtown Louisville, and amazing views of the Front Range. The little windows we added even line up so I can look at Indian Peaks in the bathroom mirror while I get ready in the morning. Outstanding! We feel very fortunate to live here.
Part of the view out our bedroom window.
Zoom of the bedroom view - Meeker (Longs Peak is behind it), and the church that will hopefully never get the 2-story bug! They seem like pretty good neighbors. Hosting a series of meetings titled "2012 Time of the End - are you ready?", just in case we decide that are indeed unprepared for the Christian/Mayan end of the world...
An indoor shot - the first floor has a great room, open to the kitchen, a study/playroom, and powder room. And that floor almost looks like a lived-in home after only 2 weeks!