It's been a week of new experiences in the LeCuyer house. We started with a new state last weekend. We went to Indiana to see one of Andy's college friends get married. There were several events over the weekend and it was all in the charming town of New Harmony. An interesting mix of small-town folks and a new age, religious, artist-colony vibe. We tried the "buy diapers when you get there" approach and had to decide between the 3 packages in town - one way too small and the others too big. And yes, cheap diapers behave like cheap diapers. Gave us an excuse for a lovley drive through the countryside to a bigger town!
Victorian carriage meets the BOB at an antique shop in New Harmony.
On to Hannah's other firsts - her first truly cranky reaction to shots. We had her 6 month appointment on Thursday. She's growing like a champ. More out (nearly 18 pounds!) than up at the moment, but it's all good. She's been fine after shots in the past, but she was up 3 times that night clearly uncomfortable and feeling sorry for herself.
That brings us to the big first - she's cutting her first tooth! After the cranky night and some Tylenol (when my half-asleep brain finally figured out that she had a bit of a fever), I discovered a little something cutting out of her bottom gums. Curiously enough, it's not coming up through the little slits that have been there for a couple of months. Who knew?
Hey Hannah, that jogging stroller is so cool! I wish I could ride in one, but I guess that would mean your Mommy actually ran! Mine is supposedly allergic to exercise.
Looks like Hannah is taking after you in the music department!!Too cute!
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