Thursday, August 16, 2007

Not so glorious food

The kid likes her formula! And apparently nothing else. We've been trying various cereals and veggies, but she still does the tongue-thrust "get this yucky stuff out of my mouth" trick. I was determined to hold off on the sweet stuff, but I think sweet potatoes or bananas will be our next attempt. I've been enjoying putting the new mini-prep food processor (thank you, Karen!) to use and taking photos of the results.Hannah's getting more physical and is really working on pulling up to standing. She even tried to use my pants legs to pull up on this morning! They're drawstring pants, so I'm glad she hasn't really figured it out yet, but you can see where this is headed.
A new way to play with the bouncy seat.

The tooth continues to move up - very slowly, but I suppose that's normal. I've been trying new ideas for games that are supposed to be fun for babies at this age. Stack some small boxes and knock them down, fill a water bottle with soapy water and food dye and make pretty suds, play with cups in the tub. All games quickly turn into "put the new found object in your mouth and get mad when Mom tries to get you to 'play' with it". So for now it's fun to give her something new and watch her explore it. It's really amazing how well she can control those little hands that used to randomly whack her in the face when she was trying to sleep!

Naps are a beautiful thing.

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