Monday, March 10, 2008

I've been tagged

I've been tagged, which means I'm supposed to post ten things people might not know about me. I could spend way too much time thinking about this, so I'm going to just bite the bullet and post!

1. Pooh Bear, who I’ve had since I was about 2 months old, is still on my bed and I cuddle up with him when Andy’s not home. (This is not the yellow bear in a red shirt that Disney has marketed. He’s a brown bear like the original stories by A.A. Milne.)

2. In the last few years, I’ve discovered that I’ve become a bit OCD about where things go – on the counters, on my desk, in my drawers. Once I like the set-up, I try to always put things in the same place. Maybe it’s a product of having a husband who can never remember where he’s put things, but I think it’s mostly my own neurotic obsession!

3. On the flip side, I can be a real slob when no one’s looking. Being around neat-freak Andy is helping me to learn the value of a picked up house, but when he’s gone I can let this place get phenomenally cluttered. (I’m guessing there’s some serious psychoanalysis to be done with numbers 2 and 3 together!)

4. I’ve been known to spend the better part of a day reading if I have a good book. I don’t imagine this will happen again until Hannah goes to college, so thank goodness for long-nap days!

5. I love to take naps. Any time, any place, but preferably in a comfy chair/couch with the sun in my face!

6. I don’t do well with having expectations that aren’t met. It’s part of why I didn’t want to know Hannah’s gender before she was born, and why I tried really hard not to guess. (Though when she was born, I wasn’t surprised that she was a girl.)

7. I love ice cream. I can make a meal out of a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.

8. I never exercised regularly or participated in sports in high school (I played softball, badly, in 5th grade), but I did triathlons when I lived in Austin and ran a marathon in 2005.

9. I really miss making music (with adults) on a regular basis. I’ve played piano since 1st grade, majored in music, and played oboe in the Austin Civic Orchestra after college. I really miss the experience of making music with others. I also miss playing piano, yet the digital one I have just doesn’t speak to me the same way an acoustic does, so I rarely play. When we have a house with stronger floors…

10. I got to play a 1904 Steinway at a historic home in Flagstaff a couple of years ago, and it was absolutely the best piano I have ever laid hands on.

And now I'm going to tag Amy Bankhead, Krystle, and Karen.

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