Saturday, November 21, 2009


First, the obligatory fun photos of Hannah. Not terribly flattering of me, but Hannah's having fun.

We have passed the end of our rescission period on our to-be-built house, so work has started and we're on the way to being homeowners again! Here are some photos of the new foundation and the interior of another home in the neighborhood with the same floorplan. Kitchen cabinets and counter will be the same, but tile is different throughout. Should you care to see more, the builder is Markel homes and the floorplan is the Flatiron. They've made some minor changes in the plan, and ours is a 3-car garage, but you should be able to find the floorplan somewhere on that site if you search around enough.

1 comment:

Amy said...

How exciting! I always liked your house in Dallas, and I'm sure your good taste will shine through again.