Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas in Flagstaff

After a day and a half (plus 2 hours for an interstate-closing wreck) drive, Hannah and I arrived in Flagstaff to hang out with my parents. Andy flew to Phoenix the next day to check out the Ultimate stores there, so I drove down the next evening and we got to spend the night away - on our own! We've only done this three times since Hannah was born, and we're scheming to see how we can do it more often...

Some highlights of the trip were 8 inches of new snow in Flag to cross-country ski and snowshoe in, mild Phoenix weather to run in (with flowers - in December!), lots of fun Baba and Nammy time for Hannah, and the first-ever performance by the Doggett family trio at the UU Church of Flagstaff's Christmas Eve service!

1st order of business - cookie decorating
The great gingerbread house project while I was in Phoenix.

Singing her way through a favorite book.
New Christmas Eve duds, thanks to Nammy.

Hannah's comment on the photo - "Daddy doesn't have fancy clothes."
Look what Santa brought!
Muggin' with Baba.

Fun Christmas morning.
Nap in the warm sun. No, Hannah did not actually nap, but I can't believe she was still for the photo!

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